
Browse through different post categories to find something that you’re interested in!

Category is… My Journey

Here you can read an archive of blog posts in the My Journey category. Each discuss the steps I’ve taken in my sustainability journey and the improvements I’ve made in my life. These posts either touch on successful habits that I’ve created or goals of new habits that I’m trying to obtain.

I want to show that sustainability doesn’t have to create big change in your life, but can be adapted in small steps. Don’t feel pressure to get everything right the first time. Not everything is one-size-fits-all but hopefully, you might find something along my journey that you will resonate with enough to include it in yours. You can achieve the best green lifestyle that still supports the best version of you.

Category is… Learning About Sustainability

When I started this blog, I had only fundamental knowledge and awareness regarding environmental activism. I knew there was still much for me to learn. For me, learning about sustainability is super exciting. Asking questions like “why is that the way it is?” and “how can we do that better?” And so, I want to fully immerse myself into sustainability, really deep dive into the research and study the environmental issues that interest me, find answers to my questions. Through creating this content for you, I want to develop my own expertise in the sustainability space in order to be a better guide in educating others.

This category archive will be where I will share with you what I’ve learned, in a fun and compelling way. Things like: what are the latest technologies in sustainability, how specifically are communities being impacted, what do we need from legislation and regulations, what are real life examples of sustainable action around the world. While you read and browse through these posts, hopefully something sparks your interests and makes you curious to learn more. Then beyond that, maybe you bring these learnings into everyday life discussions. Let’s all educate and learn from each other. Continued learning about sustainability, means continued progress towards a healthier environment.

More categories coming soon!