Recycling: The Inferior Sustainable Practice

assorted recyclables in bin

I may be wrong, but I feel like ‘recycling’ used to be the face of sustainability. It was a simple concept to get behind and it made people feel good. Rather than reducing and reusing, which require a little more effort and thoughtfulness, recycling is like a guilt-free version of throwing something away i.e. to landfill. You can just toss something into a bin and it goes someplace more sustainable than a landfill. Or does it?

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The New R’s of Sustainability

R's of sustainability - renewing through cycles

I’ve remembered the catchy phrase of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.” But that was the old view; the sustainability space has since progressed. Environmental activists have added more words to paint a fuller picture of the spectrum of sustainable actions. These are the new R’s of Sustainability: rethink, refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle.

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