Know the Difference: Compostable vs Biodegradable vs Still Just Trash

Know the Difference: Compostable vs Biodegradable vs Still Just Trash

As a consumer, I think it’s a great step for you to know the differences regarding compostable vs biodegradable. The real eco benefits of each are only achieved with proper disposal, but at the very least they provide alternatives to petroleum-based plastics. They demonstrate more conscious production materials, even though the end-of-life phase is still flawed. Only flawed because most people don’t know how composting works or why proper disposal of compostable and biodegradables is important.

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This is a Sign to Start Secondhand Shopping

This is a Sign to Start Secondhand Shopping

Used goods have many names – secondhand, reclaimed, thrifted, pre-owned, refurbished, new-to-me, new-to-you, or my personal favorite, pre-loved. In the past, the terms like “used,” “secondhand,” or “thrifted” carried with them a negative connotation, both regarding the good as well as the buyer. Secondhand shopping used to signal a lower social status or an implication that one “wasn’t cool enough.” But the growth of the resale market shows that the stigma around secondhand shopping is lifting.

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Recycling: The Inferior Sustainable Practice

assorted recyclables in bin

I may be wrong, but I feel like ‘recycling’ used to be the face of sustainability. It was a simple concept to get behind and it made people feel good. Rather than reducing and reusing, which require a little more effort and thoughtfulness, recycling is like a guilt-free version of throwing something away i.e. to landfill. You can just toss something into a bin and it goes someplace more sustainable than a landfill. Or does it?

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The New R’s of Sustainability

R's of sustainability - renewing through cycles

I’ve remembered the catchy phrase of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.” But that was the old view; the sustainability space has since progressed. Environmental activists have added more words to paint a fuller picture of the spectrum of sustainable actions. These are the new R’s of Sustainability: rethink, refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle.

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The First Steps of My Sustainability Journey

Photo of me at the Grand Canyon

At the risk of sounding redundant, I’ll reiterate that my goal is to help others realize that living sustainably doesn’t have to get in the way of living one’s best life. Nothing to lose, but more to gain. So how can I inspire others without first being honest and open about my own sustainable life?

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A Seed Was Planted: An Origin Story

group of planters with seedlings

The name of this blog is Live Your Best Green, which was inspired by my belief that environmental sustainability is not one-size-fits-all. Each person’s sustainability journey is going to look different from another’s. I want people to be empowered to make eco-friendly choices without sacrificing their own personal joys.

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